The Art of Civility
Painting a Beautiful Picture for our World A beautiful painting arrests our attention, draws us in, causes us to stop and
The Finances of Civility
Love may always be known by its expenditures. The way I expend myself and extend myself for my fellows reveals
The Mathematics of Civility
Not long ago I was tossing and turning on a very hard bed in the middle of the night, trying
Tea at the Fire Station
Daddies are their little girls’ Knight in Shining Armor. Every Daddy is a hero in his daughter’s eyes, and the
Intentional Love
Fifteen years ago, a little girl stood peering into the windows of tiny, newly-minted St. James Tearoom while her grandmother
Searching the Deeps
“A soul must search with blinded eyes For that which can’t be seen. It senses yearnings deep within, Yet knows not what they
Butterflies and Tea
This guest blog is by New Mexico writer Patrice Greenwood, a long-time guest who has become a very special, personal
Come into my courtyard…
Come Into My Courtyard; Meet Ginger Syllabub Morning is peeking over my garden gate. Come in; I’d like to introduce you to
Bicycle Etiquette
May is National Bicycle Month. And here is our gentle reminder for both bicyclists and motorists alike to practice Bicycle
Guest Blog: Why Is a Royal Birth an Occasion for Joy?
Wilfrid Koponen is a personal friend, and a friend of the Tearoom since the very beginning - 15 years! He