The Evolution of Etiquette; In Celebration of National Courtesy Month

Within civilization the world over, manners have always been important. Manners and civilization have always been inherent. Every civilization has had its own code of etiquette, its own foundation of courtesy. The term “etiquette,” however, originated in France during the reign of King Louis XIV. The head gardener came to the King with a problem: visitors to the palace and admirers of the gardens were stepping on the delicate new seedlings and crashing through flowerbeds and wearing the grass thin. The two of them decided on the way to handle this. They would put up “little tickets” or “etiquettes” on the grounds, to tell visitors how to behave in the gardens: “Please Stay on the Path,” “Please Do Not Walk on Grass,” “Please Do Not Pluck the Flowers.” “Little tickets” became a reminder of thoughtful behavior.
Etiquette is simply a code of behavior based on consideration and thoughtfulness. It is practical advice for everyday living, providing a sense of order. It is a sensitive awareness of the needs of others. Etiquette is NOT optional among civilized people.

Manners are fluid though, and change with the times. Have you heard of the new “netiquette” or “petiquette?” How does one apply thoughtfulness to the Internet? We are also developing a code of behavior for the use
of cell phones (and high time, I might add – in a very small voice.) Did you know that 59% of Americans would rather go to the dentist than sit next to someone who is talking on a cell phone?

The good news is that etiquette is back in style, courtesy is making a comeback. This is fabulous, and it is encouraging to note that we now have a National Courtesy Month – September! After letting it all hang out during the 1960’s, we are beginning to want to tuck it back in. There is burgeoning interest in this subject all over the country. Good news, indeed!
All of us here at The St. James Tearoom hope you have a gentle and courteous September, and don’t forget to watch for positive, courteous behavior around town, and join our Facebook Contest (and win a tea reservation for four guests!)
Yours for Grace, Civility, Beauty, Gentility, and Excellence,