Garden Bouquet
This loose leaf tea is available to buy in our Online Teashop.
petals amid whispers of golden fruits
Steeping Directions
Learn how to make “Garden Bouquet” to enjoy at home!
water at a simmer (~180-190° F)
1 tsp tea leaves per 6 oz. water (standard teacup)
~ 2 3 ⁄4 minutes: Drain tea strainer, serve, and enjoy!
white sugar will complement, but this tea does not take milk
Tea Tip: For fullest flavor, use a tea strainer with enough room to allow the tea leaves to open as they steep.
water at a simmer (~180-190° F)
1 3⁄4 heaping Tbsp tea leaves (32 oz. water / medium-sized teapot)
2 1⁄4 heaping Tbsp tea leaves (48 oz. water / large-sized teapot)
~ 1 1 ⁄2 minutes: pause timer, drain tea strainer, return, continue steeping
~ 2 1 ⁄4 minutes: start tasting every 15 seconds, steeping to your preference
~ 2 3 ⁄4 minutes: recommended steep time for “Garden Bouquet.” Drain tea strainer, serve, and enjoy!
white sugar will complement, but this tea does not take milk
Tea Tip: Taste by pouring only a quarter inch of tea into the cup.
At Teatime
Request this tea to be served as one of the three teas at your teatime reservation!
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